《澳門特寫》CHANGING THE STREETS 街頭藝術家專訪: 澳門- Gantz5 北京- Robbbb 台北- COLASA 日本- Titi Freak 香港- Graphic Airlines 線上觀看 http://bit.ly/1ucazyX 《澳門特寫》為一本中英雙語月刊,搜羅城中生活和藝術的最新資訊。 每月刊印二萬五仟本,部分更郵寄到澳門、香港及海外之酒店、零售商、餐館及娛樂場所,供有興趣人士閱讀。 http://www.macaucloser.com/ Macau CLOSER is a monthly, bi-lingual, living and arts magazine based in Macau, providing in-depth information and solid commentary on all aspects of life and arts, and updated news on trends in a city where lifestyle is quickly developing. We have also developed an exciting new events and promotions website, What's On - Macau CLOSER, to provide daily updates on all that is happening around town, from art exhibitions to theatre, concerts, festivals, restaurant promotions and much more. |